Report Guidelines:

  1. Report the accident to the nearest Police Station.
  2. Take photos of the damage to all vehicles/property involved.
  3. Record names, address and contact information for the drivers, witnesses & Police Officers.
  4. Secure your vehicle.

Desist From: 

  1. Admitting fault.
  2. Accepting any monies.
  3. Entering into any settlement agreement without consulting with us.

Settlement Procedure:

  1. Visit any of our offices or website to report accident. 
  2. Claims form to be completed.
  3. Assuria will apply for the Police Report.
  4. Insured to submit the parts list and the estimate for labor and materials or valuation of the wrecked vehicle if it’s a total loss.
  5. Inspection to be carried out by Assuria’s Assessor.

We will review all details and submissions and provide an offer/update within 1 week of your last submission. if offer has been accepted, payment can be made via EFT or Cheque.

What may happen after an Accident:

  1. If you’re not deemed liable, your policy will not be rated up.
  2. If you are deemed liable your No Claim Discount may be reduced.

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